No earlier than 2026, Astrobotic will demonstrate LunaGrid-Lite, which aims to be the first system to transmit power between assets on the Moon. This week, Astrobotic came closer to its goal by successfully demonstrating power transfer with an ultra-light cable designed specifically for lunar applications.
The team successfully transmitted 1kW of alternating current (AC) power through 1,000ft of ultra-light cable. During the transmission, the team measured power factor, cable efficiency, voltage drop, apparent power, and reactive power. The tests were conducted with both spooled and unspooled cables. These early lab tests show that the cable can throughput 1kW real power at the desired transmission voltage (1kV) and frequency (1kHz) and slightly exceed our expected power factor and efficiency models.
During Astrobotic’s LunaGrid-Lite mission where power transmission is vital, an Astrobotic CubeRover will unreel 1 kilometer of cable from an Astrobotic lunar lander and receive the first high voltage power transmitted through a cable across the lunar surface. This demonstration will pilot Astrobotic’s LunaGrid service, providing commercial power to future lunar customers.