Astrobotic Completes Peregrine Mission One Review Board and Publishes Findings 

Review board analyzes PM1 findings and Astrobotic’s team enacts corrective actions for future missions   

Astrobotic’s Peregrine Mission One (PM1) journeyed through space from January 8, 2024, until January 18, 2024. After its conclusion, the company assembled external experts for an investigation team and review board to analyze the mission. The board was chaired by independent third-party investigator Dr. John Horack, Professor and Neil Armstrong Chair, Ohio State University. 

In the spirit of increasing the likelihood of future mission success for all, Astrobotic is publishing this Post-Peregrine Report, which includes information from Peregrine’s review board. The report begins with an overview of the mission, anomaly findings, and a path forward; it ends with a more detailed account of Peregrine’s entire journey, from launch to mission end.