Astrobotic Completes Peregrine Mission One Review Board and Publishes Findings 

Review board analyzes PM1 findings and Astrobotic’s team enacts corrective actions for future missions    Astrobotic’s Peregrine Mission One (PM1) journeyed through space from January 8, 2024, until January 18, 2024. After its conclusion, the company assembled external experts for an investigation team and review board to analyze the mission. The board was chaired by independent […]

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Final Update for Peregrine Mission One

This afternoon Astrobotic received independent confirmation of Peregrine’s safe, controlled re-entry yesterday in the South Pacific. Peregrine Mission One has concluded. We look to the future and our next mission to the Moon, Griffin Mission One. All of the hard-earned experience from the past 10 days in space along with the preceding years of designing, building, […]

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Update #22 for Peregrine Mission One

As expected, Astrobotic lost telemetry with the Peregrine spacecraft at around 3:50 p.m. EST. While this indicates the vehicle completed its controlled re-entry over open water in the South Pacific at 4:04 p.m. EST, we await independent confirmation from government entities. Tune in tomorrow, Jan. 19 for a media teleconference at 1:00 p.m. EST, when […]

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Update #21 for Peregrine Mission One

Peregrine has been operating in space for 10 days and 8 hours and is approximately 30,000 miles above Earth, continuing its controlled re-entry. The trajectory remains on track with our planned path toward a safe area over open water in the South Pacific. The vehicle is stable, operational, and responsive. We remain in contact with appropriate government […]

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